Doofensmirtz Evil Incorperated Game Revewal Services

"thats some sick beat"

WebTV City
i'm not a critic or professional i just like to have fun :D


phighting is a pretty standard class fighting game (ex. team fortress 2)

most of the "phighters" as they're called come from the roblox brickbattle games of ol'

there are 3 main catagories for phighters

melee, ranged, support

each phighter has a passive ability, a primary, Q and E, and a phinisher. (think final smash from smashbros.)

here is swords phinisher for example:

and here's subspace's

there are two game modes: annihilate and control.

annihilate is a race to see which team can kill the most people fastest, which makes this game mode really hard if you let the opposing team creep up on you
, whearas control mode is a fight for the center spot on the map (much like tf2)

here is some control gameplay:

better gameplay comming soon!

the game has tons of skins scattered arround the lobby (known as crossroads)

although you pay with earned ingame currency. (you cannot purchase skins with money)

probably for the best!

slight warning

there is no tutorial.

you just get thrown into the lobby.

anyways thats phighting!

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